
Chelsea Old Church is an Anglican parish in the Diocese of London which has been serving God on the Chelsea Embankment for over 700 years. Our worship is conducted according to the Book of Common Prayer, with readings from the King James Version of the Bible, and music enhanced by our professional choir. In our worship, attention to God's word, and communal life together we hope to be drawn deeper into the heart and mind of Jesus Christ. Whether you are new, with us every week, or if you can only come from time to time, we look forward to welcoming you through our doors soon.

The Vicar's Christmas Epistle 24 at Vicar's Epistle 

Tuesday & Wednesday (18 & 19 February)

9.00am   Private Prayer

Thursday (20 February) 

8.00am  Holy Communion Rev Max Bayliss

Sunday (23 February) Sexagesima Ruth

8.00am   Holy Communion  Rev Max Bayliss

10.00am Family Service Rev Max Bayliss & Naomi Leveson-Gower. Story 282 - The Enormous Picnic

11.00am Mattins   Rev Max Bayliss

Introit:         Tye O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace                    Psalm:  110  
Jubilate        Stanford in C                                       Chant: 4/D
Anthem:      Bernstein Adonai, Adonai (Chichester Psalms)  Hymns: 428, 452, 605
Voluntary:   Parry Chorale Prelude on ‘Old 104th’

Readings:         Ruth 1. 11-18    Ruth 2. 11-13

5.30pm  Organ Recital by James McVinnie

6.00 pm Evensong.   Rev Max Bayliss. Guest Preacher will be The Reverend Dr. Daniel Inman, Associate Vicar of St Luke's and Christ Church, Chelsea

Readings:      Genesis 1. 26-2.3   St Mathew 6. 25-end



Wednesday 12 March: Every Wednesday evening during Lent from 8-9pm, we are holding a Lent Compline and discussion group about each Sunday sermon beginning on Wednesday 12 March and ending on Wednesday 16 April. We look forward to seeing you at the Church.

Sunday 18 May: Confirmations will take place at our 11am service by The Rt Revd Dr Emma Ineson, The Bishop of Kensington. If you or your child (ideally age 9 and above) would like to seek Confirmation this year, please be in touch with Sophie in the Parish Office by 5th March at the latest. Confirmation is a sacrament that deepens your commitment to Christ and allows one to partake in Holy Communion.

Every six years a completely new Electoral Roll must be created, and 2025 is one of these years. This means that everyone who is currently on their Electoral Roll and wishes to remain so must apply again. see here

We are excited to announce that new Prayer Books have been generously donated. You can dedicate one of these beautiful books to your departed loved ones by purchasing a bookplate. This is a wonderful way to remember them in church for years to come. Bookplates are available for £30 each or five bookplates for £100. Please speak to one of our Churchwardens or email the Parish Administrator to purchase.



The Church, Old Church Street SW3 5DQ, will be open from 2pm to 4pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and by appointment with the Parish Office. The Church has a team of Church Guides on Sunday afternoons from 1.30-5.30pm, to welcome visitors and to give an introduction and guidance on the history and monuments of the Church.

ACCESS:  Step free access to Church and Petyt Hall via gate at rear of Church, 64 Cheyne Walk SW3 5LT, portable ramp available at front entrance.

Parish Office: 020 7795 1019  




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We are looking for additional volunteers to welcome visitors and tell them about Chelsea Old Church, which would involve as little as two hours a month, either regularly or occasionally. If you are interested and would like to help, please contact Juergen Schuhmacher at


We are delighted to announce that we raised £2,348.00 on Remembrance Sunday for the Royal British Legion. 

The Memorial of John Griffith-Jones, a long-standing member and former Churchwarden of Chelsea Old Church. If there was anyone from the parish would like to view this due to not being able to attend, It will be available for a year, so can be viewed at any time to suit

In a few churches (Chelsea Old Church is an example) there has survived some, though not all, of that indescribable, winning charm which makes one feel at once at home and happy The Parson’s Handbook by Percy Deamer

'Coronation' at Family Service

The same view as above but in April 1941 after Blitz 

Penny Pocock's plant sale raised £694

Churches are stepping up in the UK to take action for nature

London transport military band 1943 in what is now Roper's Garden, church ruins in background.

Courtesy Getty images