Family Service

Our Family Service 

Our Family Service takes place every Sunday apart from during the month of August. The service starts at 10 o’clock and we are always finished by 10.30 am. It is very relaxed and full of fun and chatter. The start of the service sees the Choir singing a mini anthem, there is a Bible Reading from our Lion Children’s Bible (read by one of the children), we say the Creed, followed by short prayers and then the reading is acted out and the Vicar sums up the story. There is great emphasis on dressing up and even the tiniest child can toddle along and take part. Audience participation is rewarded during the play by mini Mars Bars given for correct answers. We sing 3 hymns, a mixture of old favourites and newer hymns, from our own Chelsea Old Church Children’s Hymnbook and the children can even take collection if they want to.


Our Family Service welcomes everyone, no baby is too young (or noisy – as David used to remind us ‘If God wanted quiet children, he’d have made them that way!’) and no child is too old as older children (11 +) enjoy being an extra pair of hands and helping with the play. The first priority is for children to enjoy themselves, any extra noises created by the children only add to the fun and informal nature of the service. The second priority is to familiarise children with the major stories and themes of the Old and New Testaments. Children leave the church on Sunday mornings having enjoyed the story of Noah and the Rainbow, Samson and Delilah, David and Goliath and stories of Jesus’ parables. Once a year we have an Animal Service and the children bring their pets (real or of a cuddly variety – from stick insects and ants to hampsters, snakes, cats …!). On Palm Sunday, we even have two donkeys who parade into church with a child on their backs.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Christmas Service 2020 

For more information, please contact or 07721 401997

No Family Services during August.


Christmas Service 2020

Tapestry designed by Joyce Conwyn Evans Des. RCA FCSD