The Teams
The Office
The hard working team in the Parish Office are:
Ms Sophie Wilson - Parish Administrator
Ms Julie Clancy and Mr Andrew Kirkland - Vergers
Mrs Penny Pocock - Chief Gardener
Mr Tim Gates - Clerk of Works
Church Guides
The Church has a team of Church Guides on Sunday afternoons from 1.30-5.30pm, to welcome visitors and to give an introduction and guidance on the history and monuments of the Church.
The parish has a strong tradition of choral singing with a well respected professional choir.
The choir is particularly well known for leading the singing during Mattins and during the Parish Communion on the first Sunday of the month.
Young voices wanted: Any children aged 7 and over who are interested in joining the Children's Choir, please contact the Director of Music, Andrew Macmillan, on or call 07899 975914. The Children's Choir sings at the 10:00 o'clock service and also joins the adult choir once a month and for major services. Ability to read music is not essential, as this will be taught.
For more details about the choir please contact the Parish Office
The Bell Ringers
The bells are rung for Evensong from 5.15 p.m. each Sunday.
Other Service ringing for Weddings, Funerals and Memorials etc. is by arrangement with the Parish Office
The Gardens
The award winning gardens around the Church are cared for by Penny Pocock and a team of volunteers. If you want to help please contact the Parish Office.
The Church
Vicar - The Reverend Max Bayliss MA Mst
Honorary Assistant Priest - The Reverend David Bell
Curate - The Reverend Professor Jenny Gallagher MBE
Honorary Stewardship Secretary - Laura Tomlinson - at for information regarding standing orders and donations.
Vice Chairman - Mr. John Watherston CBE
Churchwardens - Mr. Edmund Townend and Miss Louise Ireland DL
Deputy Churchwardens - The Earl Cadogan DL, Mr. Ian de Leschery OBE, Mrs. Penny Pocock, Sarah Duncan, Mercy McBrayer
Readers - Mr. John Watherston CBE
Mr. Tim Gee
Children's Champion - Mrs. Naomi Leveson-Gower
Safeguarding Officer - Mrs. Kirsti Townend
Director of Music - Mr. Andrew Macmillan
Associate Organist - Mr Timothy Wakerell
Tower Captain - Mr. Bede Northcote/Debbie Ardley
Honorary Treasurer - Mr. Edward Priday MVO
Flower Coordinator - Mrs. Sarah Phillipps
Church Guides Coordinator - Mr. Juergen Schuhmacher
Anchor Editor - Sarah Ingham
Anchor Advertising Manager - Sam Gordon-Clark
Church Council Standing Committee - Vicar, Churchwardens, Deputy Churchwardens, Honorary Stewardship Secretary, Parish Administrator
Parish Council Elected Members - Mrs. Emma Alcock, Mr. Jonty Brawn, Lt. General Andrew Figgures CB CBE, Mr. Oliver Harcus, Mr. Christopher Haslam, Ms. Mercy McBrayer, Mrs.Lois Pelham-Lane, Mr. George Powers, Mr. David Swanson, Mrs. Rosamund Wynterbee-Robey.