Stewardship - Support the Church
The work of Chelsea Old Church is made possible by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the generosity of its supporters. You can become a supporter in a number of ways:
Giving regularly by standing order
Standing orders can be established on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis depending on your own preference. They are the best form of support as they allow us to plan with a degree of certainty for the year ahead.
You can set up a standing order with Laura Tomlinson, Stewardship Secretary, email her for details ; or if you are amending an existing standing order, please email Laura Tomlinson so she can acknowledge your generosity.
Chelsea Old Church is grateful for your generous support.
Please make your offertory at services using the card reader at the back of the church or the collection plate.
Gift aid
If you are a UK taxpayer and wish the Church to reclaim Gift Aid on your gift (which will increase its size by 25%) please let Laura know and she will send you the form to enable this to happen.
We are now able to claim gift aid on your contactless donations. To enable us to do this kindly go to the following link: to register your details. You will be asked to donate before registering your gift aid. You will only need to do this once as the contactless reader will then remember to collect gift aid every time you donate via the card reader in church, as long as you use the same card every time.
Alternatively, please consider setting up a standing order directly with your bank; these can be established on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Our details are as follows:
Name of account: Chelsea Old Church PCC
Sort code: 60-05-14
Account number: 30010799
In the box asking for “reference”, please insert your surname and postcode.
Donations Online and by Cheque
For online donations contact Laura for details required, if you prefer to use a cheque, please make the cheque out to ‘Chelsea Old Church’ and post it to Laura at the address shown below.
Do not use the CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) to donate to Chelsea Old Church using website details of our bank account as these are not up to date. In the case of any confusion please call the office for further assistance.”
Please let Laura know if you wish to gift aid your donation.
Leaving a Legacy in your Will
If you would like to do this:
State in your will you would like to leave a gift to Chelsea Old Church (Charity No. 1135101). Your solicitor will be able to guide you on this.
Include our details: Chelsea Old Church, Petyt Hall, 64 Cheyne Walk, London SW3 5LT
For any queries, please write to Laura Tomlinson, the Stewardship Secretary, at Chelsea Old Church, 64 Cheyne Walk, London SW3 5LT or email
The Bishop’s Discretionary Fund is used:
To respond to urgent pastoral needs and requests for financial assistance from churches, charities and individuals in need;
To help to support clergy and their families who find themselves in
financial difficulty;
To assist clergy and licensed ministers with their professional and pastoral development;
To help parishes during an interregnum in administering the process of finding a new incumbent.
We raised £2,348.00 on Remembrance Sunday for the Royal British Legion
The MACMILLAN Coffee Morning raised over £2,100! Our Treasurer, Edward Priday, reports that Macmillan has
expressed their thanks for the kindness and generosity of everyone.