Organ Specification

THE ORGAN OF CHELSEA OLD CHURCH is an entirely new three-manual and pedal, 33-stop organ built by William Drake Limited of Devon and completed in 2019. Built in the English classical tradition for which the firm has become renowned, it incorporates elements of Victorian organbuilding and Continental influences enabling the instrument to lead worship in the Anglican tradition whilst comfortably playing the organ repertoire. The new case design was inspired by an organ once thought to be in the church in the eighteenth-century.

William Drake 2019


Bourdon 16

Open Diapason 8 *

Stop Diapason 8

Viola 8

Principal 4

Twelfth 2 2/3

Fifteenth 2

Tierce 1 3/5

Furniture IV

Trumpet 8


Open Diapason 8

Stop Diapason 8

Gamba 8

Voix Celeste 8 (tenor C)

Gemshorn 4

Flauto Traverso 4

Flageolet 2

Mixture III-IV

Double Trumpet 16

Cornopean 8

Oboe 8


Stop Diapason 8

Quintadena 8

Principal 4 *

Flute 4

Twelfth 2 2/3

Fifteenth 2

Tierce 1 3/5

Cremona 8


Bourdon 16

Principal 8

Bourdon 8 (ext. Bourdon 16)

Trombone 16

* includes display pipes

Tremulant Full

Tremulant Choir


Swell to Great

Choir to Great

Swell to Choir

Swell to Pedal

Great to Pedal

Choir to Pedal

Generals on Swell Toe Pistons

Great and Pedal Combination Coupled


6 pistons each to Swell, Great and Choir

6 toe pistons to Pedal and Swell (duplicating)

6 general pistons

16 levels of divisional pistons

999 levels of general pistons

Usual reversible coupler pistons and toe pistons

Balanced swell pedal

Equal temperament

Tracker action throughout, with dual mechanical and electric stop action.