Bell Ringers
Bell Ringing Practice
Monday, 6:30 – 8:00pm
Weekly on Monday
Have you ever wanted to ring the bells here at Chelsea Old Church?
We are keen to teach new ringers and are building up to have regular ringing on Sundays. If you would like to try, please come on Monday evening. We meet from 6.30pm and finish by 8.00pm.
Children under 18 have to be over 14 and accompanied by a parent.
Please e mail, Debbie Ardley at to express your interest and an initial meeting/session can be arranged. .
July 7 2019: Bell Ringing demonstration after the Family Service: For nine months before there were four young people learning to ring the bells. They hosted a short demonstration of their skills in the tower. There was also some hand bells and ringing the main bells.
The Bells
The Tower contains a ring of 8 bells installed in 1977 by the Whitehall Bell Foundry .The weight of the tenor is 10¼ cwt. The metal for seven of the bells came from Immanuel Church, Streatham; the remaining bell number 3, cast from metal which may date from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, was already in the tower.
Watch the bellringers: