Pew Sheet
The Vicar's Christmas Epistle 24 at Vicar's Epistle
Tuesday, Wednesday (21 & 22 January)
9.00am Private Prayer
Thursday (23 January)
8.00am Holy Communion
Sunday (26th January) The Third Sunday after Epiphany The Golden Calf
8.00am Holy Communion Rev Max Bayliss, preach Rev Jenny Gallagher
10.00am Family Service Rev Max Bayliss & Naomi Leveson-Gower. Story 253 - Follow Me
11.00am Mattins Rev Max Bayliss, preach Rev Jenny Gallagher
Introit: Dufay Hostes Herodes impie Psalm: 119: 105-112
Benedictus: Howells ‘Windsor’ service Chant: 3/C
Anthem: Howells Here is the little door Hymns: 75, 77, 76 (omit *)
Voluntary: Howells Paean (from Six Pieces for Organ)
Readings: Exodus 32. 1-5 Exodus 32. 7-8, 19-20
6.00 pm Epiphany Carol Service. The service will celebrate the arrival of the light of Christ into the world and will feature a selection of traditional carols for the Epiphany season, with refreshments in Petyt Hall afterwards.
Readings: Isaiah 60. 1-5, Matthew 1. 18-23, Matthew 2. 1-12, Matthew 2. 13-23, Luke 2. 21-32, Ephesians 3. 1-12
We are excited to announce that new Prayer Books have been generously donated. You can dedicate one of these beautiful books to your departed loved ones by purchasing a bookplate. This is a wonderful way to remember them in church for years to come. Bookplates are available for £30 each or five bookplates for £100. Please speak to one of our Churchwardens or email the Parish Administrator to purchase.
The church will be open from 2pm to 4pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and by appointment with the Parish Office 020 7795 1019
Sunday 2 February at 12.30pm. Our next Parish Lunch, if you would like to attend, please sign up in the porch or email Sophie in the Parish Office.
Collect latest Anchor magazine - Autumn 2024
We are now able to claim gift aid on your contactless donations. To enable us to do this kindly go to the following link: to register your details. You will be asked to donate before registering your gift aid. You will only need to do this once as the contactless reader will then remember to collect gift aid every time you donate via the card reader in church, as long as you use the same card every time.
Alternatively, please consider setting up a standing order directly with your bank; these can be established on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Our details are as follows:
Name of account: Chelsea Old Church PCC
Sort code: 60-05-14
Account number: 30010799
In the box asking for “reference”, please insert your surname and postcode.
Please give generously: Chelsea Old Church is grateful for your generous support. Please make your offertory at services using the card reader or collection trays at the back of church as you leave.
If anyone would like to join the regular giving scheme, please contact the Honorary Stewardship Secretary, Laura Tomlinson, on
Details of other ways to donate can be found on the website: Further information about legacies below.
Parish Office: 020 7795 1019 email:
Leaving a Legacy in your Will
If you would like to do this: Please state in your will you would like to leave a gift to Chelsea Old Church (Charity
No. 1135101). Your solicitor will be able to guide you on this.
Include our details: Chelsea Old Church, Petyt Hall, 64 Cheyne Walk, London SW3 5LT
Please contact our Stewardship Secretary, Laura Tomlinson, with any queries at
Weekly donation envelopes: If any one new would like to join the regular giving scheme, please tell the churchwardens or email or the Honorary Stewardship Secretary Laura Tomlinson on
There are a range of Christian resources already available and the link below lists digital streaming, tv and radio programmes, blogs and other resources.